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Sumo Pre-Upgrade Info
Updated over 10 months ago

The instructions provided in this section relate to upgrades from Sumo for Salesforce from Version 7.27.x to 8.x

The majority of the upgrade process is automated and instructions on how to initiate this process are included on the Automated Upgrade page. Once the automated upgrade process has successfully completed you should follow the Post-Upgrade Steps that need to be performed in order complete the upgrade process.

Upgradeable Environments

Within Sandbox environments, the upgrade process will vary for Sandbox types that do not copy Production content. The Sumo application package is comprised of code, metadata and content (specific data records that are essential for Sumo to function correctly). Certain Sandbox types do not copy any content (i.e. Developer and Developer Pro Sandboxes) and those environments will, therefore, contain an incomplete Sumo application configuration which is unsuitable for testing as it will not be fully functional and cannot be upgraded. A Partial Copy Sandbox could be templated to include the necessary Sumo content that would then enable it to be tested and upgraded. However, if this has not been configured, then a Partial Copy Sandbox should be treated the same as Developer Sandboxes (described below).

Within Developer and Developer Pro Sandboxes the Sumo application will need to be uninstalled and re-installed (following the standard Installation process) before continuing; this is to populate the content that is omitted by the standard Sandbox copy process. This will have no bearing on the final Sumo version that will be installed. Please review the Salesforce Sandbox information pages or contact if you require any further information on the Sandbox types available for the platform.

Info: Full Sandbox environments do copy metadata and all data (content) and, as a consequence, the Sumo environment will be fully functional and upgradeable in those orgs.

Review Base Behaviours and Behaviours

  1. When upgrading to Version 8 all Base Behaviours that have the Archived field set to 'False', will have their Status set to 'Active' after upgrading. When a Base Behaviour has a status of 'Active' in Version 8, Observation records will be created, as well as Rewards if the Base Behaviour is being used in running Competitions and Experience Groups. Therefore, if users do not wish Base Behaviours to be 'Active' after upgrading, it is recommended that the Archived field is set to 'True' prior to upgrading.

  2. Behaviours in Competitions and Experience Groups that have different aggregate function values to those inherited from their associated Base Behaviours should be identified, as in Version 8, these aggregate function fields can no longer be overridden on Behaviours. Therefore when upgrading to Version 8, these Behaviours will use the aggregate function values on their associated Base Behaviours which may produce unintended results. The recommendation is to identify any such scenarios and to create new Base Behaviours using those required aggregate function values and then use these Behaviours within Competitions and Experience Groups, instead of the existing overridden Behaviours.

  3. Behaviours in Competitions and Experience Groups that use Points formula that reference object fields, e.g. 'Opportunity.Amount*0.002', are no longer supported in Version 8 and therefore will need to be amended either prior, or after upgrading to Version 8. If these Points formula are not amended, Rewards that are created after upgrading will have a null Points value. The recommendation is either to use a static Points value instead of a formula, or after upgrading to Version 8, use the 'Tracked Field' field on the associated Base Behaviours to replicate the previous functionality. In the previous Points formula example, the associated Base Behaviour that is on Opportunity, would have the 'Tracked Field' field set to Amount, and the Behaviour would have a Points formula of success__Behaviour_Observation__c.success__Tracked_Field_Value__c*0.002

  4. When upgrading to Version 8, the following seed Scheduled Base Behaviours will be set as 'Inactive' as they are based on objects that are only accessible when certain features have been enabled. Therefore if any of these seed Base Behaviours are required for running or scheduled Competitions or Experience Groups, their status will need to be set to 'Active' after the upgrade has been completed.

  5. Aggregate Scheduled Behaviours (i.e. Scheduled Base Behaviours on the Metric object) will no longer support Behaviour Criteria in Version 8. As part of the upgrade process, any Behaviour Criteria in the format shown below that are found on Aggregate Scheduled Behaviours, will automatically be converted into a 'HAVING' clause within the Query. However, any other Behaviour Criteria that is found will not be converted, and will therefore will need to be included as part of the Query where possible.


Review Async Requests

Before proceeding with the upgrade, ensure that there are no Async Request records where the Status field equals COMPLETED or the Error checkbox field set as TRUE. If Async Request records exist with either of these values, please delete the records before proceeding with the upgrade.

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