This article summarises all the releases of SuMo version 8, including details on changes that have been introduced within each version, starting with the most recent Generally Available release.
8.71 Release | 7th February 2025
Fixed! Salesforce session setting "Adopt updated CSP directives" - With this session setting enabled, graphics images within SuMo that use URLs from the Gallery are broken.
To work around this problem we now include two Trusted URLs in the SuMo app. See the Known Issue for further information.
Fixed! Salesforce session setting "Cross-Origin Embedder Policy (COEP)" - Competition Assistant errors - With this session setting enabled, Lightning Out does not work, preventing SuMo's existing Competitions, Experience and Administration tabs from loading.
In SuMo version 8.71 we have implemented a workaround to the Salesforce Issue by replacing these tabs with Lightning tabs..
Fixed! Salesforce Release "Enable ICU Locale Formats" - We have updated some areas to ensure that when ICU Locale Formats are enabled the dates, times, numbers, currencies, date-times and integers are displayed in the correct format for the currently logged-in user.
NOTE - This Release Update is enforced in Spring 25 but can be delayed until Summer 25 if required.
Fixed! Milestone Rewards - Following API updates since Winter 25, rewards for Aggregate Behaviours weren't updating when the Milestone's function value was reached.
Fixed! Inspire - Channel Builder Leaderboard setup - We have refined the field search within the Leaderboard configuration step.
8.68 Release | 8th November 2024
Fixed! Competition Assistant errors - There were intermittent errors appearing in the Competition Assistant and the Scheduler area which didn't always affect the functionality, but we have fixed the errors. One problem was caused by an issue with the calendar utility, when the Salesforce session setting "Lightning Web Security (LWS)" was disabled; therefore, we have replaced the date range buttons with custom ones.
Fixed! Inspire - Improved validation on Channel record limit - There is a limit of 100,000 characters in the ConfigJSON field for an Inspire Channel. We now display an error when a Channel exceeds this limit.
New! Ability to enable Debug mode to assist troubleshooting - In order to help with troubleshooting any Salesforce or SuMo issues, SuMo Administrators can now enable Debug mode via a setting in the application configuration.
Improved! Base Behaviour IDs included in exception emails - Any Exception errors that occur when Observation fields are triggered will now include the ID of the related Base Behaviour, for debugging purposes.
8.67 Release | 4th October 2024
New! Salesforce Winter '25 release - SuMo version 8.67 is verified for the Salesforce Winter '25 release.
Fixed! Modal windows' close button - In Salesforce Winter '25, the close button wasn't being displayed on Modal windows.
Fixed! Competitions not displaying in the Competition Assistant - When logged in as a user with a translated language, the Competitions were not being displayed. They are now displayed, in the org's original language, and the translations will be addressed later.
Fixed! Custom Labels for the texts on the Performance Centre - There were some texts on the Performance Centre that couldn't be translated. We have added custom labels for these texts.
Fixed! Base Behaviour execution problems when a referenced field had been deleted - When a custom field is included in a Scheduled Base Behaviour's criteria and then the custom field is deleted, the related errors would prevent any further Base Behaviours from being processed. We no longer trigger any observations, insights or rewards for this scenario. CloudApps Support will receive an email with details of the Query exception. The deleted custom field will need to be removed from the Base Behaviour's criteria, or the Base Behaviour will have to be deactivated/deleted.
8.65 Minor Release | 13th September 2024
Fixed! Base Behaviours on the Task.TaskSubtype object - Assessment of a Task Base Behaviour with criteria on the Task.TaskSubtype field was failing.
Fixed! Intermittent error when bulk updating User records - In certain scenarios an error would occur when bulk updating records to change the SuMo User Types.
Fixed! Release Notes URL on the Install/Upgrade page - The Release Notes link on the app installation and upgrade screens is now correct.
8.63.2 Release | 13th June 2024
New! Salesforce Summer '24 release - SuMo version 8.63.2 is verified for the Salesforce Summer '24 release.
Fixed! Inspire - Summer '24 only - Launching Channels with special characters - For a Channel that had a special character in the name, or one with a Leaderboard with special characters, the Inspire page wouldn't launch. This has now been fixed.
Fixed! Competition Assistant - Display of competitions on the scheduler - When there were several Competitions on the scheduler, which went below the visible area, it wasn't possible to scroll down to see all the Competitions. The vertical scrollbar has now been fixed.
Fixed! Inspire Channel Builder - Custom Sounds - m4r files could not be added in Windows. This is now fixed.
Fixed! Inspire - Delete a Channel - In the previous version, there was a long delay when confirming the deletion of a Channel.
8.63 Release | 7th May 2024
Housekeeping Task! Deprecation of AngularJS - Channel Builder -
The Channel Builder for Inspire has been reworked and now uses native Salesforce components instead of AngularJS.The functionality of the Channel Builder will work exactly as the previous version (v8.59) - in some places even better! Due to the complete change of code, the UI may look slightly different in some areas.
Existing Channels and Leaderboards will not be affected by the changes, and they will display the same on the Inspire screen.
New! Channel Builder - drop image and sound files - Image and Sound files can now be dropped onto the Logo, Background and Sounds upload sections.
Enhancement! SuMo Resource Links - We have centralised the Getting Started, Install and Resources documentation.
Fixed! Competition Assistant - Behaviour badges - The badge images within the Behaviours Edit page are now displayed correctly.
8.59 Release | 1st February 2024
New! Salesforce Spring '24 release - SuMo version 8.59 is verified for the Salesforce Spring '24 release.
Enhancement! Competition Assistant & Scheduler - We have updated the calendar used for the SuMo Competition Assistant.
8.56 Release | 27th November 2023
Housekeeping Task! Deprecation of AngularJS - The "Inspire Page", which displays the Leaderboards, has been reworked and now uses Salesforce code instead of AngularJS.
Info - the Channel Builder where Channels and Leaderboards are set up will also be reworked soon.
NOTE - Google Chrome requires permissions to play sounds on the Inspire page.
1 - Select the Inspire page tab.
2 - Click on the padlock icon "View site information" to the left of the URL.
3 - Select "Site Settings".
4 - Next to "Sound", select "Allow".
5 - Go back to the Inspire page tab and refresh the page.Enhancement! Competition members who are spectators - When the "Score & Rank Update" job is executed, only Member records for "Participants" will be updated - the ones for Spectators will no longer be updated.
8.53 Release | 10th August 2023
New! Salesforce Winter'24 release - SuMo version 8.53 is verified for the Salesforce Winter '24 release.
Housekeeping Task! Salesforce deprecation of Workflow Rules - The SuMo Workflow rules are no longer required.
The "Winning Score Achieved" Workflow Rule has been replaced by a Salesforce Flow "Winning Score Achieved".
On upgrade, the 3 active Workflow Rules can't be deactivated automatically, but SuMo will function as expected. Customers are welcome to deactivate the active SuMo Workflow Rules if they prefer.Housekeeping Task! Deprecation of AngularJS - The SuMo "Trigger Deployment Tool", which is used to deploy the trigger and test classes for SuMo, now uses Salesforce code instead of AngularJS.
Enhancement! Inspire - the Opportunity Product object is now available - Inspire Leaderboards can now be created on the Opportunity Product object (API name: OpportunityLineItem).
Enhancement! Post-Install Steps - It's no longer necessary to edit the Motivation Designer (Supplementary) permission set, as the permissions are assigned during the installation. (Previously, the permissions for the Record Type of Collectives and Base Behaviours had to be added manually, and the SuMo app had to be added to the Assigned Apps.)
Fixed! Base Behaviour criteria using the date literal "NEXT_N_DAYS" - Reward, Insight and Observation records were incorrectly being triggered when the field's value was set to TODAY. This has now been fixed so, for example, "Close Date equals NEXT_N_DAYS(5)" - the criteria is met if the date is set to TOMORROW or any of the following 4 days after tomorrow, in line with the Salesforce documentation.
8.47.2 Release | 6th June 2023
New! Salesforce Summer '23 release - SuMo version 8.47.2 is verified for the Salesforce Summer '23 release.
Workaround! Inspire - Channel Builder - Problem when enabling the Salesforce session setting "Use Lightning Web Security for Lightning web components (GA) and Aura components" - With this setting enabled, it was not possible to create a new Channel or edit an existing Channel. We have included a workaround to this, i.e. if the setting is enabled we open the Channel Builder in a new browser tab.
8.47.1 Release | 20th February 2023
New! Salesforce Spring '23 release - SuMo version 8.47.1 is verified for the Salesforce Spring'23 release.
Fixed! Inspire - the "Voting Results Broadcast" wasn't displaying on the Inspire screen - Voting Results Broadcast wasn't being displayed when the voting Duration expired. This has been fixed in version 8.47.1.
Fixed! Behaviour "Wait Time" was only being honoured the first time the criteria was met - The Behaviour Wait Time is now being honoured every time the criteria is met, i.e. with a 5-minute Wait Time the "In Progress" reward will not be updated until 5 minutes have elapsed.
Fixed! Aggregate Base Behaviours - "In Progress" Rewards and Insights - "In Progress" Rewards and Insights were not always updating when they should.
When the criteria was met the first time, an In Progress reward and insight were correctly created, but when the criteria was met another time, those In Progress records weren't being updated; a new In Progress reward and insight were being created instead. This is now working as expected.Enhancement! Now all Base Behaviours generate Insight records - All Base Behaviours will now generate Insight records, whether the Related Record field has a value or not. Previously there was a certain scenario where Insights were not generated.
Enhancement! The "Last Updated" field on aggregate Rewards were wrongly being updated after the Rewards had been changed to Awarded or Failed - Once a reward is "finished", i.e. marked as "Awarded" or "Failed", none of the fields should be updated. This has now been fixed.
8.47 Release | 20th October 2022
New! Salesforce Winter '23 release - SuMo version 8.47 is verified for the Salesforce Winter '23 release.
Fixed! SuMo images not displaying when Salesforce's COEP is enabled - The SuMo "Gallery" images were broken when enabling Salesforce's Cross-Origin Embedder Policy (COEP) session setting. The Gallery images are now displayed OK.
The SuMo Graphics' uploaded images are still not displaying with COEP is enabled.Fixed! Related Record field on Aggregate Base Behaviours - An Apex error was occurring for Aggregate Behaviours with the Related Record field set as the Parent Object's ID.
When the Function Target was reached after multiple updates, the Insight records were not being changed from "In Progress" to "Awarded" due to the error.
This has now been fixed.Fixed! Aggregate SUM behaviours - In Progress rewards were being incorrectly updated the 3rd time the Behaviour Criteria was met. Now, the Rewards and Insights stay "In Progress" until the Behaviour's Function Target has been reached, no matter many updates have contributed to the total.
Note - for behaviours with at Time Limit, they will still stay In Progress until the Time Limit has been reached.
Fixed! Lightning Components margins - Due to changes in Salesforce Spring 22, there were no margins to the left and right of the SuMo Lightning Components' headers.
Enhancement! Trophy Cabinet component - In response to customer feedback, for Behaviours with a NULL points value, the Points field will not be displayed in the Trophy Cabinet lightning component.
Enhancement! Trophy Cabinet Custom Label - There are now 2 separate Custom Labels for the Trophy Cabinet (Rewards) component. This allows the labels to be overridden separately, as required.
The Custom Label displayed on Salesforce Record pages is called "perf_stream_rewards" with the default value "Rewards".
The Custom Label displayed on the Performance Centre and the Home page is called "perf_stream_trophy_cabinet" with the default value "Trophy Cabinet".Housekeeping! Task Javascript libraries security updates - Related to a security check of Javascript libraries, we have updated some of the libraries. Following this, the Inspire leaderboard layout "Grid Cards" was displaying incorrect information and has now been fixed.
8.45.6 Release | 6th May 2022
Enhancement! High Volume data - Enhancements to the Asynchronous request handling for high data volume Salesforce orgs.
Updated 9th June 2022! Salesforce Summer '22 release - This release has been verified for Salesforce Summer '22.
8.45 Release | 4th February 2022
New! Verified for Salesforce Spring '22 - This release is verified to support Salesforce's Spring '22 platform release. We recommend that customers upgrade to this release to ensure they do not experience any problems when using the SuMo application with Spring '22.
Enhancement! Competitions and Experience Groups - add Behaviour - Only Base Behaviours with statuses of "Active" and "Testing" will be included in the lookup initially, to reduce the length of the list.
In order to select an inactive Base Behaviour, click the "Include Inactive" checkbox and all the Base Behaviours will be available.
Also, once a Base Behaviour has been selected, the Behaviour Name and Description fields will be populated automatically with the values from the Base Behaviour. The values can be edited as required.Enhancement! Updated the Motivation Designer permission set - added "Edit" permissions for the Async Request "Number of Errors" field
Housekeeping! Task AngularJS EOL - As a result of the End Of Life of AngularJS the Competition Assistant and Experience Group Assistant have been re-factored. There will be some slight UI differences due to the changes, but the functionality will be the same as before, in version 8.40.5.
8.40.5 Release | 14th October 2021
New! Verified for Salesforce Winter '22 - This release is verified to support Salesforce's Winter '22 platform release. We recommend that customers upgrade to this release to ensure they do not experience any problems when using the SuMo application with Winter '22.
Fixed! People Insight - Activity Cadence Chart inaccuracies - The following two issues have been fixed:
- When the SuMo "Time Limit Configuration" (business hours) was set to 24 hours, and the Activity Cadence Chart date range was showing "Days", the rewards were being grouped into the first day of the week, instead of being shown on the actual day they were updated.
- Also, when the date range was "Weeks", the Week Number was out by 1.Deprecated! Custom field "Hidden" on the User object - This field has now been marked as "Deprecated".
8.40 Release | 25th August 2021
Enhancement! Display of Manual Rewards in the Trophy Cabinet - Manual Rewards will now be displayed in the Players' “Trophy Cabinet” Lightning component.
Enhancement! Insight Discovery report type - The Insight Discovery report type has been updated to include the following User fields:
- Active
- Player
- Motivational Designer
- Competition Manager
- Influencer
- ObserverFixed! Back-end update of Async Requests - An occasional error was appearing in the back end for Scheduled Behaviours in certain scenarios. The Async Request framework has been updated to account for this.
Fixed! Behaviour Nudges for Opportunity Contact Role behaviours - following Salesforce changing the Opportunity Contact Role object to be triggerable, Behaviour Nudges weren't being included on the Opportunity record, only the Performance Centre.
8.38.1 Release | 5th June 2021
New! Verified for Salesforce Summer '21 - This release is verified to support Salesforce's Summer '21 platform release. It is, therefore, recommended that customers upgrade to this release to ensure they do not experience any problems when using the SuMo application after Summer '21 has been deployed.
New! Push Data integration with Sensai - This release of SuMo now provides Push Data integration with Sensai, enabling Opportunity Insight History records to be created the use predictions that have been generated on Sensai's platform.
New! AI-Based Opportunity Insight - Using the new integration with Sensai, Opportunity predictions can now be driven using AI instead of the Rules-based approach via SuMo's Winning Way. When AI-based Insight is enabled, Opportunity Insight will show the weekly AI-based snapshot predictions next to each Opportunity and certain Insight components will be hidden.
Fixed! Asynchronous Observation duplication - When the SuMo assessment service is called from an asynchronous process (e.g. bulk load or batch job), business logic processes such as workflows could be configured in such a way so that sobject records are re-accessed multiple times in the same context, which in turn leads to duplicate Observation records being created for the same sobject record. In this release we have ensured that assessment triggered from either asynchronous and synchronous processes do not caused multiple Observations to be created, regardless of other business logic.
8.37.2 Release | 26th February 2021
Fixed! Display of Behaviour & Behaviour Progress - When accessing the Performance Centre with a Primary Collective set, the Behaviour and Behaviour Progress components were not loading unless the collective was switched.
Fixed! Rank Calculation with Win Score - For Competitions that have a Win Score, when the Win Score was being met the Ranks within collectives were not being correctly updated.
8.37 Release | 2nd February 2021
New! Verified for Salesforce Spring '21 - This release is verified to support Salesforce's Spring '21 platform release. It is, therefore, recommended that customers upgrade to this release to ensure they do not experience any problems when using the SuMo application after Spring '21 has been deployed.
New! Passed Security Review - This version of the SuMo package has passed Salesforce's Security Review process. This means that the SuMo application has been manually code-reviewed for vulnerabilities and it meets the strictest security standards and best practices.
New! Opportunity Contact Role now triggerable - Base Behaviours can now be created directly on the Opportunity Contract Role object, therefore Observations and Rewards can be triggered in 'realtime' without the need to use Scheduled Base Behaviours.
Enhancement! Add Links to Behaviour Descriptions - Links can now be inserted into Behaviour Descriptions which are displayed in the Behaviour, Behaviour Progress, Coaching Plans and People Insight components.
Fixed! Behaviour Milestone ordering - In certain scenarios when Milestones are completed on Behaviours, the ordering of Milestones on the Behaviours component was not correct.
Housekeeping Task! - The 'Hidden' field on the User object has been deprecated in this release and is no longer supported.
8.27.10 Release | 3rd November 2020
Fixed! Opportunity Insight - Behaviours by Value Over Time chart - When selecting different Date Ranges, the X-axis labels were updating but the returned data always included all the data for that Opportunity record instead of showing the data from the selected Date Range.
Fixed! Opportunity Insight - KPI Cards - The "Opportunity Age" card was incorrectly being updated when different Date Ranges were selected. It now always displays the age of the Opportunity record regardless of the selected Date Range.
8.27.8 Release | 10th October 2020
New! Verified for Salesforce Winter '21 - This release is verified to support Salesforce's Winter '21 platform release. It is, therefore, recommended that customers upgrade to this release to ensure they do not experience any problems when using the SuMo application after Winter '21 has been deployed.
Note: There is a breaking change introduced in Salesforce Winter '21 platform release that is not supported in this version. Please see the Ongoing Incidents page for further information.
Enhancement! Action criteria and Related object fields - When defining Base Behaviours that use specific Action types and Related object fields in Behaviour Criteria, improvements have been made to how users are notified of the compatibility of these features when used in combination.
Fixed! Aggregate Rewards not generating new records - A scenario was identified whereby new Aggregate Reward records were not being correctly generated when there was no Time Limit set on the associated Base Behaviour.
Fixed! Multiple Rewards flag not being respected - There was an issue whereby Rewards were being incorrectly generated with the Multiple Rewards flag on Behaviours was set to FALSE.
8.27.5 Release | 16th July 2020
Fixed! Duplicate AsyncRunner jobs - When upgrading from previous versions of SuMo v8, there may be two instances of the AsyncRunner scheduled job created.
8.27.2 Release | 10th July 2020
New! Verified for Salesforce Summer '20 - This release is verified to support Salesforce's Summer '20 platform release. It is, therefore, recommended that customers upgrade to this release to ensure they do not experience any problems when using the SuMo application after Summer '20 has been deployed.
Enhancement! Support for automated upgrades - In the prior v8.25 release there was a requirement to perform a post-upgrade step in order to set the Running User. When upgrading to this release the Running User is automatically set up and therefore there is no requirement to perform this post-upgrade step.
Housekeeping Task! - Libraries that are used by the SuMo application have been updated to the latest versions to address potential security vulnerabilities, and application code has also been updated to support these latest versions.
8.25 Release | 22nd April 2020
Enhancement! Asynchronous Processing - All asynchronous processing is now performed as a dedicated 'Running User' which provides consistent execution of processes within a single timezone. The running user can be subsequently changed by administrators if required, using the provided utility in the Application Configuration page. Asynchronous processes have also been consolidated where applicable, to improve performance and reliability.
Note: If upgrading from a prior v8 release, the Automated Setup must be run again in order to set the Running User. The Running User will be set as the user who runs the Automated Setup and therefore the asynchronous processing will be performed based on the timezone of that user.
Enhancement! Scheduling Base Behaviours - The scheduling component on Base Behaviours has been improved so that end-users can now see the timezone of the running user, as well as the date and time when the Base Behaviour will be executed.
Fixed! Editing Levels in Collectives - When editing the lower threshold of the second level in a collective, the upper threshold of the first level was not automatically updated.
Fixed! Permission to add Members/Levels in Collectives - An issue was identified whereby specific users did not have the necessary permissions to add Members or Levels to Competitions or Experience Groups.
Fixed! "Jump to Top" in Leaderboard component - The 'Jump to Top' feature may fail to work when there are a large number of members within the Collective.
Fixed Display of Level Threshold - When on the first level of a Competition or Experience Group, the calculation of the number of points required to level-up was incorrect.
8.21.4 Release | 10th July 2020
New! Verified for Salesforce Summer '20 - This release is verified to support Salesforce's Summer '20 platform release. It is, therefore, recommended that customers upgrade to this release to ensure they do not experience any problems when using the SuMo application after Summer '20 has been deployed.
Housekeeping Task! - Libraries that are used by the SuMo application have been updated to the latest versions to address potential security vulnerabilities, and application code has also been updated to support these latest versions.
8.21 Release | 13th February 2020
New! Verified for Salesforce Spring '20 - This release is verified to support Salesforce's Spring '20 platform release. It is, therefore, recommended that customers upgrade to this release to ensure they do not experience any problems when using the SuMo application after Spring '20 has been deployed.
Enhancement! People Insight Chart Data - In scenarios where the Rewards returned for a comparison set results in a decimal number if the decimal is too small a message is now presented to the end-user to state that there is insufficient reward data for the comparison set.
Enhancement! Inspire Uploader for Lightning Experience - In this release, the uploading of Logos, Backgrounds and Sounds files in Lightning Experience is now supported. Previously, users were required to upload assets in Salesforce Classic.
Enhancement! Handling of invalid Base Behaviours - Improvements to the validation logic when creating and editing Base Behaviours to guard against invalid Base Behaviour field values.
Fixed! Inspire Sound Files - An issue was identified with sound file types in Inspire, whereby MP2 files (which are not supported) could be selected and uploaded into Channels.
Fixed! People Insight display of data - Two minor issues were resolved whereby the display of Behaviour names were not being truncated correctly, and the count of members within a comparison set was not being correctly displayed.
Fixed! Aggregate Scheduled Behaviours and Queues - Errors were being generated when processing records that were owned by a Queue in conjunction with Aggregate Scheduled Behaviours.
Fixed! Behaviour Recipient field is null - Errors could occur when assessing Base Behaviours if the corresponding field that is set as the 'Recipient' on a Base Behaviour is set as null on the record that triggers the Base Behaviour.
8.14.19 Release | 10th January 2020
Fixed! Score Rollup - The Score rollup process was failing in large data volume situations due to the number of Rewards that were having to be accessed across Collectives and Users for Scheduled Base Behaviours.
Fixed! Behaviours and Queues - Errors were being generated when processing records that were owned by a Queue in conjunction with real-time Behaviours.
Fixed! Unique Insight IDs - The uniqueness of Insight ID values has been improved to mitigate a situation where more than one Insight record is created on the same related record.
Fixed! Updating Aggregate Rewards - A specific scenario was identified in large data volume situations that would prevent aggregate rewards from being updated when the processing of Observations occurs after the aggregate reward needing to be updated has failed or been awarded.
8.14.18 Release | 15th November 2019
Fixed! Insight Migration - The Insight Migration process may not complete fully in instances where there is a large amount of Reward data for individual Behaviours. This fix aims to mitigate this issue from occurring and to support larger data volumes.
Fixed! Reward Data - A scenario was identified where Rewards may not be correctly created/updated when triggering Behaviours that existed on multiple running collectives, where there was a large volume of previous Rewards.
8.14.14 Release | 16th October 2019
Fixed! Installation Failure - An issue was identified whereby the SuMo package may not install successfully in some Salesforce orgs, this has now been resolved in this version.
8.14.11 Release | 4th October 2019
New! Verified for Salesforce Winter '20 - This release is verified to support Salesforce's Winter '20 platform release. It is, therefore, recommended that customers upgrade to this release to ensure they do not experience any problems when using the SuMo application after Winter '20 has been deployed.
Enhancement! Support for batch processing - An enhancement has been introduced that provides improved support when inserting data using a batch process.
Enhancement! Behaviour Criteria Assessment - An enhancement has been made to the SuMo assessment engine when processing Behaviour Criteria on Base Behaviours.
Enhancement! People Insight Behaviour Names - When hovering over Behaviour names in People Insight a tool-tip will now be displayed that shows the full name of the Behaviour, to support scenarios where the name may be truncated due to limited space.
8.14.5 Release | 10th June 2019
New! Verified for Salesforce Summer '19 - This release is verified to support Salesforce's Summer '19 platform release. It is, therefore, recommended that customers upgrade to this release to ensure they do not experience any problems when using the SuMo application after Summer '19 has been deployed.
Fixed! Related Record field on Observations - The 'Related Record Id' field was not being correctly populated on Observation records, where the associated Scheduled Base Behaviour was based on the Opportunity Competitor or Opportunity Contact Role objects.
Fixed! Reward Source field on Rewards - The 'Reward Source' field on the Reward records could link to the wrong record if the 'Related Record Field' is populated on the associated Base Behaviour record.
Fixed! Calculation of Opportunity Prediction - For specific end-user components, the Opportunity Prediction was not being correctly calculated after running the Insight Migration process.
Fixed! Access to run Persisted Prediction - An issue was identified whereby the Persisted Prediction snapshot would fail if the running user did not have sufficient access in the org. This has now been resolved so that the snapshot can be run by any SuMo user, providing that they have read access to Opportunity records.
Fixed! Configuration of Insight Migration - The Insight Migration process could fail if there are a large number of Opportunity records that need to be processed within a 24 hour period. A mechanism has been provided to help with this scenario that controls how many of these records can be processed per transaction.
Fixed! People Insight Activity Cadence Chart - An issue has been resolved whereby the Rewards on the chart were not being correctly displayed based on the time that they were awarded when a specific date filter was applied to the data set.
Fixed! Re-scheduling of Asynchronous Jobs - Asynchronous jobs were not being scheduled correctly in a specific scenario, this has now been fixed so that the Async Runner job correctly re-schedules itself when schedules are adjusted.
Fixed! Behaviour Nudge Criteria Validation - A regression was discovered whereby validation was not being performed on the Nudge Criteria field on Base Behaviours, this logic has been reinstated so that incorrect values will be detected when attempting to save Base Behaviours.
Fixed! Badge Type lookup on Level records - The Badge lookup functionality in the Competition and Experience Group assistants has been fixed, as users were not able to search and update Badges on Level records.
Fixed! Session persistence in IE11 and Edge Browsers - A problem was discovered and subsequently fixed with the way in which IE11 and Edge web browsers handled the saving of session data in conjunction with the selection of Collections in the Switcher component, that is found in Scorecard and Performance Stream components.
8.14.2 Release | 14th March 2019
Enhancement! Gallery - The Gallery has a fresh new look having been re-designed using the Lightning Design System. Improvements have also been made to the categorisation and tagging of images, which makes searching even easier. The copy-to-clipboard functionality has also been improved so that there is no reliance on Adobe Flash support.
Enhancement! Insight Page Layout - Enhanced layout and sections which mirror the Reward page layout in order to aid readability and familiarity when transitioning from Reward records to the new Insight records.
Fixed! Scheduled Behaviours execution - An issue was identified when upgrading from v7 to v8 that could cause Scheduled Behaviours to not be correctly scheduled for execution.
Fixed! Seed Base Behaviour updates - A subset of new seed Base Behaviours have had their criteria updated to ensure that they function correctly, as well as minor naming and description updates.
Fixed! Assessment Engine - The assessment engine was being needlessly initiated in certain scenarios and, therefore, was unnecessarily consuming resources.
Version 8 Release (8.11) | 22nd February 2019
New! Observations - The new Observation structure allows interactions that are performed by licensed SuMo users within Salesforce to be discreetly recorded, with this information being the basis for Insights and Rewards. Observations can be triggered by any type of SuMo user in accordance with Base Behaviours that have been configured. When active Base Behaviours' criteria are met, an Observation record will be created and tagged with information that allows for Insights and Rewards records to be subsequently generated where applicable. The Observation structure, therefore, provides a concise and complete record of the behaviours that are performed by all SuMo users within Salesforce. This information is then utilised within the SuMo app to deliver behavioural Insights and recommendations, as well as drive the motivation features which include Rewards.
New! Insights - The Observation framework also provides the basis for the new Insights capabilities that are included as part of this release. When enabled, Insight records are now generated from Observations that can then be used by Opportunity Insight to provide the performance analysis capabilities and to drive predictions. As a consequence, Experience Groups (or Competitions) no longer need to be created and configured specifically for Insight, as Reward data is no longer used for these purposes. However, the greatest benefit is that aggregate Behaviour data can now be included as part of Opportunity Insight, which was not previously possible. Therefore, behaviours that count Tasks performed on Opportunities, or the total amount of Products added to Opportunities, for example, can now be surfaced and used within Opportunity Insight.
New! Milestones - Within Competitions and Experience Groups, Behaviours can now include individual Milestones that can be configured as interim goals towards the overall Behaviour target, or alternatively as stretch goals beyond the target. Milestones can be customised with specific Badges, Points and Reward Messages that are different to the associated Behaviour, and these Milestones can be visualised in the SuMo UI components both on Desktop and Mobile devices. Milestones can be configured on any type of aggregate Behaviour, whether it be a count of actions or a sum of a specific standard or custom object field. Milestones, therefore, provide a mechanism to incentivise and award users along the path to completing Behaviours - which in turn builds cadence and increases the likelihood of completion.
Enhancement! Competition and Experience Group Assistants - The Competition and Experience assistants have been re-engineered in this release, and now include a number of feature enhancements and bug fixes. These enhancements include the ability to immediately edit Behaviour properties when they have been added, revert changes made to Competitions and Experience groups while they are being edited, show the count of active Behaviours and Participants, and allow Competitions and Experience groups to be marked as 'Draft' when they are incomplete. In addition, there have also been improvements to member management, including the ability to categorise and define roles within templates and across multiple members.
Fixed! Timeout when deleting Competitions - An error was being thrown when attempting to delete competitions that contained over 1000 Members, this has now been resolved as a result of the re-engineering of the Assistants.
Fixed! Adding/Removal of Members is incorrect - Scenarios were identified where adding and removing members from Competitions and Experience Groups could lead to the incorrect number of members to be persisted on save, this has now been resolved as a result of the re-engineering of the Assistants.
Fixed! Unable to re-schedule Experience Groups - An issue was identified where the start and end date/times on Experience Groups could not be correctly updated, which meant that Experience Groups could not be unscheduled.
Fixed! Null Points set on Behaviours - When updating Behaviours in Competitions and Experience Groups the Points value could be inadvertently changed or deleted without the user knowing.
Fixed! 'Show More' button incorrectly displayed - When adding Members to Competitions and Experience Groups the 'Show More' button was being displayed when there were too few members listed to require further members to be displayed.
Fixed! Incorrect Badge information displayed - When adding Behaviours to Competitions and Experience Groups the Badge Type value was being incorrectly displayed in the Badge column, instead of the Badge Name.
Fixed! Behaviour Criteria missing picklist values - The picklist values for newer object fields (e.g. AssetLevel on Asset) in the Standard Behaviour Criteria component were not loading correctly as a result of this and other related components being on an older Salesforce API version.
Fixed! Behaviour Criteria and Record Types - Searching for Record Types within Behaviour Criteria was either not returning the correct results or was not saving correctly. Behaviour Criteria that contained Record Type names that included brackets was also causing Rewards not be generated.
Fixed! Behaviour Criteria Date Literals - Certain date literal values used in Behaviour Criteria were not being displayed correctly when viewed via the Criteria tab on the corresponding Base Behaviour.
Version 7
7.27.21 Release | 17th October 2020
This release is verified to support Salesforce's Winter '21 platform release. It is, therefore, recommended that customers upgrade to this release to ensure they do not experience any problems when using the SuMo application after Winter '21 has been deployed.
Note: There is a breaking change introduced in Salesforce Winter '21 platform release that is not supported in this version. Please see the Ongoing Incidents page for further information.
7.27.20 Release | 13th February 2020
New! Verified for Salesforce Spring '20 - This release is verified to support Salesforce's Spring '20 platform release. It is, therefore, recommended that customers upgrade to this release to ensure they do not experience any problems when using the SuMo application after Spring '20 has been deployed.
Enhancement Handling of invalid Base Behaviours - Improvements to the assessment service have been made to support scenarios where invalid Base Behaviour field values have been populated.
Enhancement People Insight Chart Data - In scenarios where the Rewards returned for a comparison set results in a decimal number if the decimal is too small a message is now presented to the end-user to state that there is insufficient reward data for the comparison set.
Fixed People Insight visual issues - Two minor issues were resolved whereby the display of Behaviour names were not being truncated correctly, and the count of members within a comparison set was not being correctly displayed.
7.27.15 Release | 13th December 2019
Fixed Score Rollup - A scenario was identified where the score rollup process may not execute correctly where there are large numbers of Reward records that are to be assessed.
7.27.14 Release | 4th October 2019
New! Verified for Salesforce Winter '20 - This release is verified to support Salesforce's Winter '20 platform release. It is, therefore, recommended that customers upgrade to this release to ensure they do not experience any problems when using the SuMo application after Winter '20 has been deployed.
7.27.10 Release | 1st June 2019
New! Verified for Salesforce Summer '19 - This release is verified to support Salesforce's Summer '19 platform release. However, It is recommended that customers upgrade to version 8 of the SuMo application to benefit from the new features introduced in this release, as well as all additional fixes that are included. For further information, please see the Release Notes for v8.
Fixed People Insight Cadence Chart - The Activity Cadence chart in People Insight was incorrectly displaying the performance data for the selected user when selecting the 'Last 30 days' date filter.
Fixed Issue when changing collectives - In a specific scenario when changing the collective in the Scoreboard component, the selected collective was not displayed when subsequently accessing the Performance Centre.
Deprecated Error displayed when accessing Performance Centre - Deprecation of the 'Hidden' field on the User object.
7.27.8 Release | 16th March 2019
Enhancement Gallery - The Gallery has a fresh new look having been re-designed using the Lightning Design System. Improvements have also been made to the categorisation and tagging of images, which makes searching even easier. The copy-to-clipboard functionality has also been improved so that there is no reliance on Adobe Flash support.
Fixed Unable to update Base Behaviour - A scenario was identified that could prevent Scheduled Base Behaviours from being updated, this has now been resolved in this patch release.
7.27.5 Release | 26th January 2019
New! Verified for Salesforce Spring '19 - This release is verified to support Salesforce's Spring '19 platform release. It is, therefore, recommended that customers upgrade to this release to ensure they do not experience any problems when using the SuMo application after Spring '19 has been deployed.
Fixed Performance Stream Fixes - A fix has been applied that resolves a problem accessing the actions button, as well as resolving an issue that may cause an error when editing records.
Fixed Opportunity Insight Fixes - Fixes have been applied to the Behaviour Attainment and Opportunity Age KPI cards that were not being displayed correctly in specific scenarios.
Fixed Base Behaviours Edit Fixes - Fields were being incorrectly displayed when editing Base Behaviours, and an issue was also identified with the display of the search field in the Field Selector.
7.27.2 Release | 9th November 2018
Fixed Editing Inspire Channels - A fix has been applied that resolves a problem editing Channels that contained any un-configured Leaderboards.
7.27.1 Release | 18th October 2018
Fixed Async processing issue - A scenario was identified whereby when certain system limits were being reached, the error was not being correctly handled which caused a continuous asynchronous processing loop which could not be resolved through failsafe mechanisms. A fix has been applied that will ensure that the failsafe mechanisms work correctly, while also providing a solution that will mitigate the system limit from being reached.
Fixed Security Fixes - There have been additional security fixes included in this release, which address software library versions.
7.26.3 Release | 2nd October 2018
New! Verified for Salesforce Winter '19 - This release is verified to support Salesforce's Winter '19 platform release. It is, therefore, recommended that customers upgrade to this release to ensure they do not experience any problems when using the Sumo application after Winter '19 has been deployed.
Enhancement Coaching Plan "Draft state" - Coaching Plans without start or end dates are now set as state "Draft". Completions of behaviours will not count until the Coaching Plan has a "Running" state.
Fixed Coaching Fixes - A problem has been resolved whereby the Coaching Summary Component may become unresponsive when adding or editing comments to Ad-Hoc Objectives. There have also been improvements to the messages that are displayed when users do not have sufficient access to records.
Fixed Points calculation with no Levels - An issue was identified where points were not being correctly calculated on member records within collectives, in the scenario where a level system had been previously defined and then subsequently removed.
Fixed Base Behaviour edit loading - Previously the Base Behaviour edit page could take a long time to load or become unresponsive when a large number of fields exist on the object that is set on the Base Behaviour.
Fixed Security Fixes - There have been additional security fixes included in this release, that address areas including Cross-site Scripting (XSS), CRUD permissions and software library versions.
Version 7 Release 3 (7.23) | 8th August 2018
New! People Insight - As part of the ‘People Insight & Coaching’ add-on module that is now available, People Insight provides users with an in-depth view of the performance of SuMo users through an intuitive and engaging dashboard style interface. The People Insight page allows individual SuMo users to be selected and their performance data represented through different lenses so that managers can easily understand which Behaviours and activities are - and are not - being performed. The data can be further honed through the use of filter options, to drill down on specific data types and time periods.
Behaviour Charts - User data is broken down by the type of Behaviours that are being performed, which allows managers to see the distribution of Behaviours that have been completed. In addition, Behaviour data is also displayed by value which provides an indication of the proportion of desirable and undesirable Behaviours that have been completed.
Performance Indicators - Indicators provide key information around the performance of users, including the percentage attainment of available Behaviours, the distribution of completed Behaviours by value, as well as trend data over a rolling period.
Activity Cadence - The chart plots how many Behaviours have been completed by their value, and when they were completed, including a Simple Moving Average line that provides an average of Behaviours that have been completed over a customisable period. The chart, therefore, provides key insight into the cadence of Behaviour completion throughout Competitions and Experience Groups.
Behaviour Performance - The definitive list of Behaviours that have and have not been completed are provided, including information on the number of times a Behaviour has been completed and when it was last completed. Behaviour Performance enables users to easily identify which Behaviours need to be focused on and prioritised.
Comparisons - A user’s performance can be compared to another user or to a groups of users, meaning that a side-by-side comparison can be made to assess how well an individual user is performing in relation to their peers and high performers. Each lens within People Insight will adapt to show both sets of data, and variances will be highlighted between the data sets so it can be easily determined how well individual users are performing versus the comparison.
New! Coaching - Coaching Plans can be created and assigned to users that contain objectives which should be completed within a specified period. A Coaching Plan may be created to track objectives as part of an annual review, or to achieve a specific goal, such as improving the sales pipeline. Using the information that is surfaced through People Insight, objectives can be defined for the purposes of targeting key activities that are designed to improve the performance of individuals which will, in turn, enable them to achieve the Coaching Plan’s purpose.
Behaviour Objectives - These objectives monitor the progress towards targets that are set on individual Behaviours. Targets can be dynamically derived for Behaviour Objectives based on current performance, as well as being set manually. As Behaviours are completed, these contribute towards the completion of the Behaviour Objectives and the overall Coaching Plan.
Ad Hoc Objectives - These objectives are designed to track the completion of activities that are not recorded within Salesforce. Ad Hoc Objectives, therefore, comprise of a checklist of items that a users can check off once they have been completed. These activities may be around On-Boarding, Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability initiatives.
Summary Component - Users can quickly and easily establish how they are progressing towards their objectives with their Coaching Plans through the summary component. Users can see details of each objective including the actual vs target, percentage attainment and description. Users can check off and complete Ad Hoc objectives once they have been completed, and see the overall percentage completion of the Coaching Plan. Users can also switch between Coaching Plans and see the previously-completed and forthcoming plans that are scheduled to start.
New! Classic Performance Centre - The Performance Centre that was previously only available in Lightning Experience is now available in Salesforce Classic. The Performance Centre provides SuMo Players and Observers access to all summary components including the Scoreboard, Leaderboard, Behaviours, Trophy Cabinet and Behaviour Progress. In addition to these components, the Classic version of the Performance Centre will also display the Coaching Plans summary component for users who have been assigned one or more Coaching Plans.
Fixed Population of Levels for Members - Previously, when a collective was created by cloning an existing collective and subsequently added to the Competition Assistant, the level field on the member records was not initially being populated.
Fixed Opportunity Insight Popover - An issue was identified and subsequently fixed with how the popover was displayed when hovering over Opportunities in the list within Opportunity Insight.
Fixed Security Fixes - There have been a number of security fixes included in this release, that address areas including Cross-site Scripting (XSS), CRUD permissions and software library versions.
Housekeeping Task - Certain object fields have been added and amended in this release, as well as an update to all SLDS CSS rules to use BEM notation.
7.12.12 Release | 29th June 2018
Fixed Opportunity Insight: Behaviours by User chart - Having upgraded the charting library, an issue was found and subsequently fixed that was causing the usernames displayed on the X-axis to disappear when resizing the window, leaving only the far left one and the far right usernames visible.
Fixed Scheduled Base Behaviour CRON Expression - An issue has been fixed where the Scheduler field "Repeat every", that is available for Daily and Monthly frequencies was not being displayed correctly.
Fixed Display of SVG icons in Edge and IE11 Browsers - There was an intermittent issue where SVG icons weren't displayed correctly, however the images would display correctly following a refresh of the page.
Fixed Performance Stream action button - The Performance Stream's animated action button was no longer circular due to changes in the styling that was being used.
7.12.11 Release | 14th June 2018
Fixed Insight Chart Colours - The colour coding of the data in the Behaviours by User chart wasn't working as expected, meaning that segments would be incorrectly coloured grey.
Fixed Async Request records - An issue has been fixed where, following a failed Async Request, subsequent Async Requests of the same type with the same parameters would fail to run.
7.12.9 Release | 1st June 2018
New! Verified for Salesforce Summer '18 - This release is verified to support Salesforce's Summer '18 platform release. It is, therefore, recommended that customers upgrade to this release to ensure they do not experience any problems when using the SuMo application after Summer '18 has been deployed.
7.12.3 Release | 16th March 2018
Fixed Debug Information - An scenario was identified that could lead to debugging mode being inadvertently enabled by users, which has now been resolved in this release.
Version 7 Release 2 (7.12) | 2nd March 2018
New! Lightning Application Configuration - The Application Configuration page has been re-designed using the Lightning Design System and as a result, all SuMo administrative pages are now styled for Lightning. As part of this re-design, the Trigger-enabled object selection user interface has been re-implemented as a lookup and now filters out objects that do not support triggers or are not compatible with SuMo. The Trigger Deployment Tool has also been re-designed for Lightning and now has an improved look and feel.
New! Lightning Reward Notification Opt-Out - From the Performance Stream, users are now able to access a new 'Preferences' option - that contains the Reward Notification Opt-Out setting. Reward Notifications are enabled by default for all users, however when the opt-out is enabled by a user, they will no longer receive Toast Notifications when they earn a Reward in SuMo when running in Lightning Experience.
New! Pacing Chart accessible in Salesforce1 - When viewing the Performance Centre in the Salesforce1 app, users will now be able to access the Pacing Chart which previously was only available on PC/Mac. Tapping on the expand icon in the top-right corner of any Behaviour Progress card will reveal the Pacing Chart and information on the viewing users progress towards completing the selected Behaviour.
New! Base Behaviours Status - On the Base Behaviour view page there is a new Status component that displays key summary information relating to state of each Base Behaviour, such as how many collectives it is currently running in and scheduled to run in, whether it is a desirable or undesirable Behaviour and if Multiple Rewards is enabled. A Collectives list is also displayed under the Status component that provides a list of all the Collectives the Base Behaviour is being used in, categorised by the state of the collective, i.e. Running or Scheduled.
New! Field Selector Enhancements - When specifying fields in Points, Behaviour or Nudge Criteria, the Field Selector now has a search feature that allows users to easily find the field required for their criteria. Due to the previous introduction of parent-child relationship support in the Field Selector, the Recipient option has now been removed from the Field Selector which means that users no longer need to click on the object name in order to return the list of fields - these will now be displayed immediately when opening the Field Selector.
New! Scheduled Behaviour Query Validation - When Scheduled Behaviours are created or edited, the query statement that is either manually entered (Metric) or dynamically generated (all other objects) will be validated when saving the Scheduled Behaviour. If errors are detected during the validation process, a message will be returned to the user and they will have the option to correct these changes. This validation process will reduce the likelihood of failures occurring when executing the queries on Scheduled Behaviours and therefore Rewards not being correctly generated.
New! Customisable Permissions - A new facility has been provided that allows users to customise the permissions that are associated to each of the 4 different SuMo User Types. Users are now able to associate multiple permission sets to each SuMo User Type and assign these permission sets on-mass to all those users with that SuMo User Type. The introduction of this facility means that permissions are far more flexible and users can fully customise the permissions of each the SuMo user.
New! Ability to add Influencer to Collectives - SuMo Influencers can now be added into Competitions and Experience Groups in this release. SuMo Influencers can, therefore, trigger rewards for other Participants in collectives, and Influencers will also see the Behaviour and Reward inline components on record pages in Classic and Lighting Experience.
Enhancement Predict UI Enhancements - The underlying Prediction Score that is driving the Prediction outcome i.e. Poor, Fair, Good or Excellent is now being displayed within the Prediction component. Exposing the Prediction Score allows viewers to better understand whether an Opportunity is just on the border of a higher or lower prediction - therefore providing more accurate insight. In addition, the sorting on the Behaviours table has also been improved and the Behaviour (Attainment) KPI card has been enhanced to better support Multi-Stage and Undesirable Behaviours. This KPI card is also now displayed when "All" sales stages are selected and displays the percentage attainment for all the behaviours to the current stage of the opportunity.
Enhancement Predict Algorithm Enhancements - The Predict algorithm has been improved and enhanced to cover a broader range of configurations and implementation scenarios. Stages containing only undesirable behaviours and stages containing only multi-stage behaviours now have a less significant and smoother impact on the prediction. In addition, opportunities that remain in a single sales stage for long periods of time have their impact limited at zero. Taken together, the overall impact of these enhancements is that the predictions now change more gradually and are less likely to exhibit extreme scores or swings.
Enhancement Persisted Prediction Enhancements - The Persisted Prediction snapshot now captures the Prediction Score along with additional Opportunity field data (Amount, Opportunity Owner and Close Date). This additional information can be used for reporting purposes to look at how an opportunity has changed over time. The Prediction Score is also displayed in the Opportunity List as part of the Persisted Prediction snapshot information, the Score value is now displayed instead of the Prediction short text (i.e. P, F, G, E).
Enhancement Predict Opportunity Analysis - The routine which analyses all past won opportunities to determine appropriate decay onset and decay rates has been enhanced. The algorithm now leverages an outlier calculation to factor out extreme results. It is now also possible to only include data from a set date in the past, this feature is useful for organisations that have changed their sales process and want to limit the opportunities being analysed to only those created since the sales process was last changed.
Enhancement Inline Behaviour components Enhancements - The inline Behaviour nudge components that can be added onto object record pages, will now display Behaviours for some objects other than the object record that is being viewed. This enhancement is limited to the display of Opportunity Product and Opportunity Team Member Behaviours on Opportunity records, Case Comment Behaviours on Case records and Campaign Member Behaviours on Campaign records.
Enhancement Inline Rewards components Enhancements - The inline Rewards component that can be added onto object pages, will now display Rewards that have been earned on child-object records, e.g. when viewing an Account record, Rewards that have been earned on an Opportunity record that is related to the Account will now be displayed in the Rewards component on the Account record. In addition, all Rewards that have earned on an object record will be displayed, regardless of the user. Previously, only the Rewards for the viewing user would only be displayed in the Rewards component.
Enhancement Base Behaviour Options Filtering - When creating or editing Base Behaviours users will no longer have access to options or functions that are not supported. Based on the type of Base Behaviour, i.e. One-off or Scheduled, the Base Behaviour UI will filter out those options or functions that cannot be used in conjunction with the Base Behaviour type selected, thus preventing invalid or unsupported Base Behaviour configurations from being used.
Enhancement Lightning Leaderboard Updates - The Lightning Leaderboard component has been enhanced so that it's content will be dynamically updated when members' records in the Competition are changed. This means that when users within a Competition trigger Rewards or other users trigger Rewards on their behalf, the Points and Rank changes in the Competition will be reflected in the Leaderboard component without the user having to refresh the page.
Enhancement Lightning My Rewards Updates - The Rewards table that is accessed via the Trophy Cabinet has additional filter options in this release, and improvements have been made to ensure that all Reward records are displayed and support for no Badge Types has been added.
Enhancement Asynchronous Processing Optimisation - The overall performance of Asynchronous processing has been improved and optimised in this release, whilst also ensuring that member Level and Rank calculations are performed correctly, Collective administration tasks are completed successfully and Async Request records are cleaned up and deleted in all scenarios.
Fixed Handling of SuMo Type changes - When SuMo Players are demoted to other user types, e.g. Influencers, we are now ensuring that the UI elements and Reward assessment are updated in accordance with this change.
Fixed Manual Rewarding Permissions - Additional permissions have been added to the Manual Rewarding permission set that will ensure users can access the UI and generate Manual Rewards for users in the specified collective.
Fixed Scheduled Behaviour Query Generation - The Scheduled Behaviour query generation has been fixed to support scenarios where no Behaviour Criteria is specified, and when the Scheduled Behaviour is based on the User object.
Fixed Base Behaviour Fixes - Fixes to the Base Behaviour UI include ensuring that a message is displayed when field validation is triggered, Behaviour Criteria picklist values are loaded correctly and Date/Calendar Function button is rendered correctly, and the default option for the Value field is set to 'Medium'.
Fixed Colour Picker Fixes - An issue was identified where null background colours could not reliably be set in the colour picker, and pasting in Hex Values would also not be saved correctly.
7.0.7 Release | 9th February 2018
Fixed Debug Information - Debugging was incorrectly enabled in the previous release, this needs to be disabled by default to prevent errors from being displayed in customers' orgs.
7.0.5 Release | 1st February 2018
New! Verified for Salesforce Spring '18 - This release is verified to support Salesforce's Spring '18 platform release. It is, therefore, recommended that customers upgrade to this release to ensure they do not experience any problems when using the SuMo application after Spring '18 has been deployed.
Fixed Spring '18 IE11 Issue - In Spring '18 only, a UI issue was resolved on the Administration page that prevented it from displaying correctly in Internet Explorer 11.
Fixed Spring '18 Permission Set - In Spring '18 only, the Motivate Designer (Supplementary) permission set was not being installed as part of the package installation.
Fixed Spring '18 Package Uninstalls - In Spring '18 only, the package uninstallation was failing as a result of additional permissions being granted in the Motivate Designer (Supplementary) permission set. Customers will now need to manually delete this permission set after uninstallations. See Post-Uninstall Steps for further information.
Fixed Async Requests - An issue was identified where a Competition's async requests were not always deleted correctly.
Fixed Competitions subtab - In Salesforce Classic, the "View Details" option for a Competition was not displaying correctly.
7.0.3 Release | 11th January 2018
Fixed Reward generation - An issue was identified which, in certain circumstances, resulted in Reward records not being generated correctly. This issue has now been fixed.
7.0.2 Release | 19th December 2017
Fixed Permissions Change - Object permissions in the SuMo Player and Observer permission sets were required to be changed in order to successfully install or upgrade the package when these permission sets were used with certain License types.
Version 7 Release 1 (7.0) | 1st December 2017
New! Lightning SuMo App - A new Lightning version of the SuMo app is now provided in v7, which is accessible to Motivation Designers who are running in Lightning Experience. The new Lightning SuMo app provides Motivation Designers access to all of the administration pages, such as the Competition Assistant, Base Behaviours, Graphics and the Administration page.
New! Lightning Experience Player UI - An all-new Player UI is provided in this release of SuMo for users who are running in Lightning Experience. The new Lightning SuMo Player UI comprises of a number of Lightning components that are re-usable and context aware, meaning that they can be placed on any Lightning page - whether it be a Home page, App page or Record Page. The new Lightning components consist of the Scoreboard (which includes the 'Switcher' that enabled users to switch between Competitions and Experience Groups), Leaderboard, Trophy Cabinet (which includes recently earned Rewards and a link to all Rewards), Behaviours (see Lightning Record Page Components below) and Behaviour Progress (monitor the progress through available, in-progress Aggregate Behaviours).
New! Lightning Performance Centre - The Performance Centre page is the central hub for SuMo Players running in Lightning Experience. It can be made accessible from any Lightning app and it provides access to all of the new Lightning components that are included in this v7 release of SuMo. From this page SuMo Players are able to view their performance data on a collective basis; therefore, the data that is displayed in each component is scoped based on the Competition or Experience Group that has been selected. The Performance Centre page, therefore, provides SuMo Players with the most complete overview of their performance, and the components themselves will update in real time when Rewards are earned for the viewing player.
New! Lightning Performance Stream - The Utility Bar that is available in Lightning Experience can be configured to use the new Performance Stream component that is provided in this release. The Performance Stream component has been specifically designed for use in the Lightning Utility Bar and, as such, it can be configured for display within any Lightning app, such as the Sales and Service apps. The Performance Stream enables SuMo Players to quickly retrieve key information relating to their performance within Competitions and Experience Groups. Using the Actions that are provided, players can view information Snippets in the stream that are displayed in a timeline. Rewards that are earned in real time will also enter the stream and be displayed in the timeline. As the Utility Bar is persisted, the Performance Stream will always be available to players and, therefore, users can access their performance information wherever they are in an app.
New! Lightning Toast Notifications - When Rewards are earned by SuMo Players in Lightning Experience, they will now be notified of the Reward via Toast Notifications. Toast Notifications are displayed in the same format as standard Salesforce Toast Notifications and, therefore, will appear seamlessly in Lightning Experience alongside other notifications.
New! Lightning Record Page Components - The Behaviour and Trophy Cabinet components are context aware, meaning that they can be placed on supported Object Record Pages. When the Behaviour component is displayed on Record Pages, Nudges will be displayed that will advertise specific Behaviours that are available to SuMo Players based on the record that is currently being viewed. Each Behaviour Nudge that is displayed will include information around how that Behaviour can be completed and, if it is an Aggregate Behaviour, progress information will also be displayed. Similarly, when the Trophy Cabinet is displayed on Record pages, Rewards will be displayed that have been earned on the record that is currently being viewed, grouped by Badge Type.
New! Lightning Behaviour Pacing - Pacing can now be configured for Aggregate Behaviours for SuMo Players who are running in Lightning Experience. When pacing is set on Aggregate Behaviours, SuMo Players are able to visualise the pacing path that they should follow in order to hit the target set on the Aggregate Behaviour. KPI information is also displayed alongside the pacing chart, relating to how far ahead or behind they currently are, as well as Actual vs Target and Completion deadline information. The pace, therefore, serves as a mechanism to help players achieve or exceed their targets, on or ahead of time. When configuring Pacing on Aggregate Behaviours, Motivate Designers can choose from a number of different Pacing Types, each of which have a unique pacing path and cadence. Motivate Designers can, therefore, use the most appropriate Pacing Type based on the nature of the Aggregate Behaviour.
New! Salesforce1 UI - The new Lightning SuMo Player UI components are now available in the Salesforce1 app. Customers can, therefore, configure the Performance Centre page, or any other page, to use the new components so that they are accessible in Salesforce1. SuMo Players in both Classic and Lightning Experience can take advantage of the new Salesforce1 UI, and the components support both mobile and tablet devices.
New! Intelligent Nudging - Behaviours can now be configured with Nudge Criteria that specifies the condition when the Behaviour is to be displayed in Behaviour Nudges, both in Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience. The Intelligent Nudging functionality provides Motivate Designers with the facility to tailor where Behaviours are displayed as Nudges on Object Record Pages. As an example, Nudge Criteria can be configured on Opportunity based Behaviours to only show for Opportunities that are in a specific Sales Stage. This means that customers can align their Behaviour Nudges to Winning Way Steps that are used in Opportunity Insight, so that SuMo Players will only see the targeted Behaviours that should be completed for the specific Sales Stage of an Opportunity.
New! Manual Rewarding - Customers now have the ability to designate SuMo users the permission to give other users Rewards via the new Manual Rewarding UI. Manual Rewarding allows SuMo users, such as Competition Managers, to give thanks to users within Competitions or Experience Groups for activities that they have completed outside of the Behaviours that are being tracked in a competition. Using the Manual Rewarding UI, managers can simply select the user they wish to award, select a Badge, enter a message if required and assign a number of Points that will be added to the user's total for the competition. The Manual Rewarding feature is a simple yet powerful tool that enables users to recognise the achievements and hard work of other users in a Competition or Experience Group, via the giving of SuMo Badges and Points.
Enhancement Transparent Badge Backgrounds - Previously when a Badge was created without a background colour, the image within the Badge did not occupy the full area that was available within the tile, which in turn made the Badge look smaller in comparison to those that had a background colour set. However, when a Badge is created without a background colour the image will fill the full area of the tile and thus be comparable to other Badges that use background colours.
Enhancement Time Limit Configuration Settings - The '24-Hour' Business Hours option in the Time Limit Configuration settings has been removed, because it is no longer relevant as the '00:00' option provides the same functionality. Customers who were previously using this option will be automatically migrated to the '00:00' settings when upgrading to this release and the 'Business Week End' value will be incremented in order to maintain a 24-Hour business period.
Enhancement Automated Setup - The Automated Setup routine has been re-architected in this release and now makes use of Salesforce's new Metadata API for the deployment of metadata when configuring SuMo. In the future it is therefore expected that it will be easier to update certain aspects of SuMo using the Automated Setup, instead of the customer having to perform manual post-install steps.