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SuMo Guidance
Updated over 9 months ago

The following section provides recommendations and guidance regarding the configuration of specific areas of the application within the customer's org. This section is intended to detail any specific functionality within these areas that Administrators need to be aware of prior to deploying the SuMo for Salesforce application within their organisation.

Web Browsers

Web browsers supported by the Salesforce Classic User Interface can be used by SuMo end users (i.e. Players, Observers & Influencers).

Only web browsers supported by the Lightning Experience User Interface are supported for SuMo Administrators (i.e. Motivation Designers and Competition Managers).

For all supported web browsers, JavaScript, cookies (including third-party cookies) and SSL 3.0 must each be enabled.

For further details on supported browsers, please see:

In addition, Google Chrome is the only supported browser for Motivation Designers launching and displaying Inspire Channels.

Screen Resolution: Cloudapps recommends a minimum screen resolution of 1024 x 768 for end users, for the best possible User experience. Inspire Channels are designed to display on wide screen HD resolution displays with a 16:9 aspect ratio (i.e. 720p, 1080i, 1080p and 4K TVs). The Inspire Channel display should also render correctly at other resolutions provided they have a minimum height of 720 pixels and maintain a 16:9 or 16:10 aspect ratio.

Tip: The Sumo application is Lightning Ready and can be used in either Salesforce Classic or the Lightning Experience UI (See Known Issues for any restrictions).

Future Sumo releases will continue to receive interface design enhancements that follow the Lightning Design System, whilst retaining support for both Salesforce user interface choices.

Image Format Support

When creating custom Graphics records, such as Badges or Icons, users should ensure that the image formats are supported by the web browsers that will be used to view these Graphics.

The link below provides a comparison chart that includes web browsers supported by Salesforce, as well as details on the image formats that those browsers support.

Users should, therefore, use this information to ascertain which image formats can be used in the web browsers that will be used, before creating custom Graphics records.

Inspire Sounds in Chrome

In order for Inspire sounds to play correctly in the Google Chrome browser, it's necessary to enable sounds for that website as follows:

  1. Launch a Channel.

  2. Go to the tab where the Inspire screen is displayed

  3. Click the Lock icon to the left of the address bar of your Chrome browser.

  4. Select Site Settings

  5. Under "Sounds", select Allow from the picklist.

  6. Refresh the Inspire screen tab.

(For info - this replaces Chrome's previous requirement to edit the autoplay-policy flag)


The following list provides recommendations of the limits of specific components in the Sumo for Salesforce application. While it is possible to exceed these limits, it is recommended that they be adhered to in order for end users to receive the best user interface experience and for the Sumo for Salesforce application to operate correctly.

  • Maximum recommended Score that should be awarded to a user is up to 9,999

  • Maximum recommended Score that should be set on a Base Behaviour is 99

  • Maximum recommended number of characters that make up a Level Name is 16-20

  • Maximum recommended number of characters that make up a Badge Name is 16-20

  • Maximum number of words that make up a Competition or Experience Group Name is 4

  • Maximum value set on the "Max Rewards" field is 998

  • Maximum number of members in a Member Template, Competition or Experience Group is 2,000

  • Maximum number of Reward records that a User, Competition or Experience Group may have is 40,000


Queues can be created that contain one or more users that in turn help teams manage the distribution of Leads within an org. When new Lead records are created within the org, the owner of the Lead can be manually or automatically (see Assignment Rules below) assigned to an individual user, or to a pre-defined queue.

If Lead records are created that fulfil a Behaviour which, in turn, awards the OwnerID of the record, a Reward will be awarded to the owner of that Lead record. However, the Sumo for Salesforce application only supports the awarding of Rewards to OwnerIDs that are Users (not Queues). Any active Behaviours that award on the recipient OwnerID will not, therefore, generate Rewards if the Lead record is owned by a Queue. Rewards will only be generated for a single User and not to the members of a Queue.

Assignment Rules

Assignment Rules can be set up to automate the assignment of Lead record ownership to users or queues based on criteria or formulae that equate to true. It is possible for Base Behaviours to be created that have the recipient of the Reward set as the Owner ID. This means that when a record is created that matches the Base Behaviour criteria, the Reward that is created will be awarded to the Owner ID of that record.

It is, therefore, possible to trigger the assignment of ownership of a Lead record to a user or to a queue and the creation of a Reward at the same time as the criteria is met. In such a situation, a Base Behaviour's criteria will be assessed (and Rewards will be created) before any active Assignment rules are triggered whose criteria match that Base Behaviour's criteria. Thus, the Reward will always be awarded to the user who created the record regardless of ownership assignment that is specified on the Assignment Rule. Care should therefore be taken when creating Assignment Rules and Base Behaviours that trigger on the same criteria IF the Reward recipient is set as the Owner ID on the Base Behaviour.

Non-Chatter and Community Users

Chatter can be enabled or disabled via Permission Sets or Profiles using the 'Enable Chatter' System Permission. Sumo for Salesforce provides the ability to add all the members of a competition into a Chatter Group that is linked to a competition. This feature is not available for Non-Chatter users as they do not have access to Chatter and, thus, cannot be members of Chatter Groups. Additionally, Community users cannot be added to Chatter Groups created outside the Community space.

In addition, users without access to Chatter will not be able to access their profile in the Sub Tab App because it is integrated into Chatter. This is typically where the Sumo Motivate, Rewards, Behaviours and Competitions subtabs are placed. However, non-Chatter users can still access these components via the "Sumo" page found on the tab bar or "All Tabs" list. The Sumo page provides non-Chatter users full access to the Sumo Player user interface. Lastly, the audience participation features available in Inspire require the use of Chatter for audience members to send participation requests. Inspire can be run without these features if required.

Logout Session Timeout Setting with Inspire

For orgs that have the Session Timeout setting "Force logout on session timeout" enabled, it should be noted that only the Inspire Channel tab should be left running in the browser, to avoid being logged out automatically.

Aggregate Behaviours

When using Aggregate behaviours, bear in mind that each time a different record is edited to meet the criteria, and aggregate the Function Value on the "In Progress" reward, "Reward Source" field is updated. Therefore, using Multiple Rewards = FALSE will not be relevant.

Tip: For Aggregate Base Behaviours checking with the Action "Only when created", we recommend avoiding using the Recipient "Last Modified By ID".

Scheduled Behaviours

When using Scheduled Behaviours, Motivation Designers can manually define the SOQL statement that the Assessment Engine will use when the query is executed. The query is executed to a schedule that is defined using CRON expressions (a time-based job scheduling utility). There are two types of query that can be used with Scheduled Behaviours, Standard (Non-Aggregated) and Aggregated.

Tip: To ensure the result set doesn't include Inactive Users or non-Players, which could cause Apex errors, it is recommended that the following statement is used in the query WHERE clause Recipient.success__Sumo_User__c = true AND Recipient.IsActive = true. Users will need to substitute the word 'Recipient' in this statement with the recipient that is being used in the Query, e.g. Owner, CreatedBy, etc.

CRON Schedule

In order to ensure Scheduled Behaviours are executed correctly, it is highly recommended that each Scheduled Behaviour that are in use within Competitions or Experience Groups are defined with unique CRON Schedules. It is therefore not recommended that Schedule Behaviours are set to run at the same date and time, as this may lead to unexpected results or failures/errors to occur within the associated Async Requests.

Standard (Non-Aggregated) Queries

Standard queries expect two fields to be selected and the position (order) of each field in the query is critical. A "User ID" field must be the first field and a Numeric "Value" field (that is to be used by the Assessment Engine) must be the second field.

For example:

SELECT id, CustomNumericField__c FROM User 

Tip: The "User" ID must return a unique User ID that will be the recipient of the reward. The Numeric "Value" field must be a valid numeric field which is (internally) converted into a decimal value. There are no other restrictions, as long as the query itself is valid, you can use WHERE clauses as you would with any other SOQL query.

Aggregated Queries

As with standard queries, aggregated queries expect a User ID field and a Numeric value field. However, these are constructed using aliases and must follow a naming convention where "User" is the alias of the User ID field and "Value" is the alias of the Numeric value returned by the second field used by the Assessment Engine.

It's good practice to include a filter to ensure the aggregate result set doesn't contain any records where the User is "null", which can help improve performance by reducing the likelihood of running into governor limits.

For example:

SELECT OwnerId User, SUM(Amount) Value FROM Opportunity WHERE OwnerId != null GROUP BY OwnerId 

Tip: The query must be grouped by a "User" ID as the results data set must only contain a set of unique User IDs. You can use functions (e.g. COUNT, MAX, AVG) and WHERE clauses.

Special Variables

You may use the variable "runFromDate" in the queries as a tokened variable that can form part of the Behaviour criteria. This variable will contain the date/time the Behaviour was last run. Using this variable allows a query to be constructed that might for example only select data that has been updated since the last scheduled run i.e.:

SELECT createdById User, COUNT(id) Value FROM Task WHERE LastModifiedDate >: runFromDate GROUP BY createdById

Filtering out Queues

Only Users can receive rewards, so for customers that utilise Queues, any Scheduled Behaviours where the results could include both User and Queue IDs must be restricted to only return User IDs. This can be achieved by adding a 'WHERE' clause containing: Owner.Type = 'User' in the query.

Salesforce Objects that may be assigned to Queues are: Cases, Leads, Orders, Service Contracts, Knowledge Article Versions and Custom Objects.

An example based on the Case object might look as follows:

SELECT OwnerId User, COUNT(Id) Value FROM Case WHERE Status = 'Closed' AND Owner.Type = 'User' GROUP BY OwnerId
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