Sensai supports the ability to join files into a single dataset that can be used to train a model or for predicting outcomes.
Schemas are used to define the entities and the relationships between the files.
Schemas can consist of a single Entity or multiple Entities. Schemas can also be created to align to the salesforce data model for automatic data extraction - please see the Salesforce section for more information.
Single Entity Schema
Note: A Schema must be defined and a dataset created even if you only have a single file.
Press the Options button in the top left of the Navigation Bar and select Schemas
Press Create Schema button
Give the Schema a name - e.g. Opportunity
Select Other as the Source
Press Add Primary Entity button
Add the Primary Entity Name - eg OPPORTUNITY and specify a Primary Entity Label
Specify the column name that is unique for each row as the Primary Key
We suggest leaving the Sort Order blank when you have a single Entity
Press the Next button.
There are no relationships to add at this point so please just press the Create button