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Quick Start - Multiple Files, Binary Classification
Quick Start - Multiple Files, Binary Classification
Updated over 10 months ago

Sensai Customer Journey



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Upload Account & Closed Opportunity Files

We need to load some Account and Closed Opportunity information to train our deep learning model.

For this training example you can use the following files - later you will be using your own files or integrating directly with your instance of salesforce.

  1. Then Download the Academy_Closed_Opportunities.csv from this location:

  2. Press the Options button in the top left of the Navigation Bar and select Files

  3. Press Upload Files button in the top right of the window

  4. Choose the Academy Accounts.csv file and press Upload button. It may take a few seconds to upload the file and for it to appear in the list

  5. To load the second file, press Upload Files button again

  6. Choose Academy Closed Opportunities.csv and press Upload button. It may take a few seconds to upload the file and for it to appear in the list

Your files are now loaded


Create Schema

One of the powerful capabilities of Sensai is the ability to include many data files and then define the relationship between these files and reuse this definition to create different datasets. These can be 1:1 relationships as well as 1:many. At this point we will define a Schema with a many:1 relationship between Opportunity and Account.

  1. Press the Options button in the top left of the Navigation Bar and select Schemas

  2. Press Create Schema button in the top right of the window

  3. Give the Schema a name - e.g. Academy Opportunity with Account

  4. In the Source field, use the dropdown to select 'Other'

  5. Press Add Primary Entity button

  6. Add the primary entity information - in this case the Opportunity

  7. Enter the Primary Key as ID - This is a unique identifier for each Opportunity

  8. Once this information has been entered, press the Add Entity button

  9. Add the Account entity information and press the Next button

  10. Press the Add Relationship button

  11. Add the relationship information as below and press the Create button

  12. If you drill down into the Schema it should look like this


You have now created the Schema

Create Dataset

  1. Press the Options button in the top left of the Navigation Bar and select Datasets

  2. Press the Create Dataset button in the top right of the window

  3. Give the Dataset a name (Academy Closed Opportunities with Account) and then select your Schema and then choose your files, then press the Create button


    Your Dataset is now created

Create & Train Model

Now it's time to train the model using the Dataset you created in the previous step

  1. Press the Options button in the top left of the Navigation Bar and select Models

  2. Press the Create Model button in the top right of the window

  3. Give the Model a name and choose your Dataset

  4. Select the Binary Classification Architecture Type with your Dataset and Target of ISWON

  5. Then select the Opportunity fields you would like to include in the Model

  6. Select the Account Tab and then select the Account fields you would like to include in the Model

  7. Then press the Create button

  8. In the Models list, press the dropdown button for the Model you have just created and select Train Model

  9. The deep learning model will be created - this may take some time depending on volume of data and number of fields selected

Predict Open Opportunities & Download

  1. Load Open Opportunity File & Create Dataset

  2. Create a new Dataset “Academy Open Opportunities with Account” from the Academy Open Opportunities.csv and the Academy Accounts.csv files using the Academy Opportunity with Account Schema.

  3. Press the Options button in the top left of the Navigation Bar and select Predictions

  4. Select Request Predictions button

  5. Give the Request a name and choose your Model & Dataset and press the Create button.


This may take a few minutes to create and appear in the list - if it does not appear after a few minutes you may need to refresh the page to see the completed list.

  1. Once completed drill into the Prediction and you will be presented with buttons to Download Prediction and Download Contributions. You will also see 2 charts, the first is a ranked list of the importance of Features and the second is a ranked list of values inside these Features.

  2. Click on the 'Download Prediction' from the dropdown menu button.

This will download the file in a csv format with 3 columns - ID, PROBABILITY and PREDICTION. This can then be imported into either your CRM system or into a BI tool of your choice.

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