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Sales Forecasting

Understand if you are on track to hit your revenue goals.

Updated over a week ago

View revenue aggregated by salesforce hierarchy or role by hierarchy.

Drill down the hierarchy by role, team and owner to see reflected values.

View AI forecast of closed sales for the quarter.

View closed revenue and view pipeline by sales category for the quarter.

Summary information based on your selections.

View your largest deals for the quarter and drill down into the health of the deal.

View revenue closed so far in period vs the predicted revenue to understand if you will meet your goals.

The AI also shows the confidence of the prediction by showing a 90% confidence interval.


  • Salesforce role hierarchy replication: The table in the middle displays users and their roles, as well as their opportunities aggregated by forecast categories with multi-currency support.

  • Information about a salesperson's or team's forecasts can be easily accessed with the fiscal period and opportunity owner filters.

  • Most important deals: up to 5 deals are displayed per selection, ordered by amount.

  • The chart shows the actual closed deals for the quarter in blue and the end-of-quarter AI prediction projection in yellow.

  • The information on the page changes dynamically based on the filters that are selected, including the chart, aggregations and the most important deals.

  • Compare your current forecast with previous quarters and years, taking into account where you are in the quarter.

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