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Scheduling Competitions
Updated over 9 months ago

The Competition Scheduler has been designed to help you easily schedule Competitions. When added to the scheduler:

  • Running Competition will appear in Blue

  • Scheduled Competition will appear in Green

  • Hidden competitions will appear with Stripes

Note: In a hidden competition all Behaviours as well as the Competition itself, are hidden from the Members within, which provides the ability to run the competition in Insight/Baseline mode.

Competitions that are ready to be scheduled are located in the Available panel to the left of the Competition Scheduler. Finished, Declared and Archived Competitions appear in the Completed section to the right.

To schedule an Available Competition, drag the Competition from the Available section and drop it onto the Scheduler panel.

Note: The default Start date will be in one week's time, with the default End being two weeks after the Start.

Once the Competition is Scheduled, the Start and End dates can be changed either by:

  • Dragging the whole Competition manually to the desired date (the duration is preserved)

  • Dragging just the start or just the end of the bar (the duration will be altered)

  • Clicking on the Competition (Competition Bar) in the Scheduler which will give you editable options. Enter the required dates and times.

Note: If a Competition is dragged to a start date that is before today, the Competition will automatically start now.

Additional edit actions can be accessed by clicking on the Competition's "bar" to:

  • Start or finish the competition immediately

  • Unscheduled the competition (this sets the state back to Available and moves the Competition out of the Schedule panel)

  • Hide the competition

  • Clone a competition

  • Delete a competition (if not currently scheduled/running).

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