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Editing Behaviours in a Collective
Updated over 10 months ago

To Edit the properties of a Behaviour.

1. Open the relevant collective (Competition or Experience Group) by selecting the 'Edit' option.

2. Select the setting Cog in the Behaviours section to view the Behaviours within the collective.


3. Select 'Edit' next to the Behaviour you wish to change.


4. This allows each behaviour to be made relevant to the current use case. In edit mode you can configure the following on each behaviour:

  • Points (or varying points)

  • Reward Message

  • Behaviour Name and Descriptions

Info: You can add links into any part of the Description field text using the format below. The URL part must start with 'https://' and the display name part must only contain upper or lowercase characters (A-Z), numbers (0-9) and spaces between words (but not before or after the pipe '|' symbol).

  • Badge Name

  • Max Rewards (Limits the number of Rewards per player for this particular Behaviour)

  • Multiple Rewards - This determines whether the Player will be able to earn the reward more than once for each Source Record.

  • Visibility (Hidden/Unhidden)

  • Promoted (Priority to display first in record page (nudges)

  • Milestones / Stretch Target Behaviours for Aggregate Behaviours.


5. Make the required changes and select Save.

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