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Experience Groups Overview
Updated over 11 months ago

Experience Groups are typically used to guide users to complete cadence type Behaviours in a non-competitive way.

Experience Groups are ideal for tracking behaviours before, during, and after Competitions. By setting up an Experience Group in this way, you will then be able to show the clear uplift in behavioural performance and the impact of your initiatives.

Differences between an Experience Group vs. Competitions

There are some key differences to consider when deciding whether an Experience Group or Competition is required:

  • Experience Groups do not provide the ability to show rolled up scores and ranking in the Performance Center or Reports.

  • You can add new behaviours into an Experience Group whilst it running. While the same is true for Competitions, it is not advised as it may impact the assessments of scores and level to produce inaccurate results.

  • Experience Groups can have no end date, and therefore can be left running indefinitely. This is ideal if you need to baseline behaviour for long periods of time.

  • Behaviours for an entire Experience Group can be hidden in order to analyse a behavioural baseline without using the SuMo nudges or Performance Center

  • Individual Behaviours can be hidden within a visible Experience Group.
    Experience Group can be used to retain the trophies earned from winning in past competitions (see rewarding competition winners)

  • It is possible to provide Levels to Members of a visible Experience Group. However, we do recommend that Levels should be applied in Competitions only. Comparing people based on Level in a long-running Experience Group can be misleading as Members may have started jobs at different time, have different roles (from when the Experience Groups started) and have varying levels of experience in the role.

​Tip: If using the 'Experience Group' checkbox on the Base Behaviour itself it is recommended that each user is only in one visible, running Experience Group.

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